March/April Newsletter:

NEO Sierra Club Sponsors Film

By Michael Melampy

NEO Sierra Club will sponsor Rebels With a Cause at the upcoming Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) to be held at Tower City Cinemas, Tower City Center, April 3-14, 2013. This documentary details the establishment of the Point Reyes National Seashore on the California coast and provides a wonderful insider’s look at what grassroots organizing (including Sierra Club involvement) can do to protect important natural resources. Someone from the Club will address the audiences at the screenings of Rebels and Sierra Club literature will be distributed.

An additional bonus for Sierra Club members will be a discount code that enables you to receive a $2 per ticket discount for all CIFF films. The code will be available later this month; check the NEO Sierra Club webpage. CIFF also features other environmental films. Descriptions of the films and a schedule of their screenings will soon be available at the CIFF website as well as in print program guides. Please plan to attend CIFF and help us use CIFF as a venue for promoting environmental protection.
