Protect the Planet by Voting in 2020
Voting is important for protecting the environment. All Ohio voters whose registration information is up to date can vote by mail. Vote-by-Mail ballot applications may be submitted now, with ballots to be sent out in October. Some counties refer to Vote-by-Mail as absentee voting. It’s the same thing by either name. Any Ohio registered voter may do it, without having to provide an excuse or explanation.
County Boards of Election are expecting to receive a large number of ballot applications in September. Stay ahead of the rush and submit your ballot application today. Information of receiving a Vote-by-Mail ballot application may be found at the website for your county’s Board of Elections:
Ashtabula County Board of Elections:
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections:
Erie County Board of Elections:
Geauga County Board of Elections:
Huron County Board of Elections:
Lake County Board of Elections:
Lorain County Board of Elections:
Sierra Club Endorsed Candidates Based on Leadership on Environmental Protection for Ohio
The Mission of the Sierra Club political program is to preserve the environment through nonpartisan grassroots political action (from Sierra Club Political Team Compliance Guidelines). The principal goals of the program are: 1) to elect candidates who will support and promote environmental protection and who share our core values of equity, justice, and inclusion; 2) to raise public awareness about environmental issues and elevate the priority of these issues for decision-makers; 3) to encourage Club members and other environmentalists to participate in the political process; 4) to advance the Club’s conservation agenda by building relationships with legislators and other elected officials; and 5) to strengthen the Sierra Club’s capacity to elect pro-environment candidates at every level of government.
The Northeast Ohio Group of the Sierra Club and the Ohio Chapter of the Sierra Club have endorsed the candidates listed below because of their commitment and leadership as champions for protecting the environment. Endorsements are based on consideration of candidates voting record if they are current or prior office holders. Candidates are asked to complete a questionnaire surveying a range of environmental issues. Candidates are also interviewed by video-conference, with an in-depth discussion of candidates’ positions on key environmental issues.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
For US President and Vice President
We are confident that Joe Biden will be the champion for climate justice that America needs in the White House. As Americans head to the polls in November, our country will be facing crises on multiple fronts, including a climate emergency that disproportionately harms communities of color. This may be the most consequential election of our lives, and it is critical that we replace Donald Trump with a leader who understands the scale and urgency of the climate crisis and is ready to take bold action to solve it. – Sierra Club President Ramón Cruz
Marcy Kaptur
For U.S. Congress District 9
Marcia Fudge
For U.S. Congress District 11
Phil Robinson
For Ohio House District 6
Joan Sweeny
For Ohio House District 7
Michael J. Skindell
For Ohio House District 13
Jeff Crossman
For Ohio House District 15
Monique Smith
For Ohio House District 16
Zach Stepp
For Ohio House District 55
Betsy Rader
For Ohio Senate District 18
Sharon Sweda
For Lorain County Commissioner