Meat-free Mondays

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Sample Meatless Monday Resolution for Your City

A resolution declaring that the City of XXX recognizes the benefits of a diet high in plant-based sources and encourages residents to participate in Meatless Monday to improve their health and the health of the planet.

Whereas, “Meatless Monday” is a non-profit initiative associated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health which encourages people to consume plant-based food alternatives other than animal-based products at least one day a week; and

Whereas, there is a strong body of scientific evidence indicating that legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables can reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Whereas, school districts in some of the nation’s largest cities, including Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, and San Diego, have adopted Meatless Monday which encourages students to eat plant-based meals to combat the childhood obesity epidemic.

Whereas, livestock production emits a significant share of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere; and the United Nations recognizes that “Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems” and according to the United Nations, the world faces “severe, widespread and irreversible” effects of climate change unless it takes urgent action to limit global warming; and

Whereas, plant-based agriculture and eating habits support resiliency to climate change while limiting the likelihood of animal manure polluting fresh water and causing toxic algae blooms; and

Whereas, over ninety percent of animal-based foods come from factory farm style production where animals live in stressful confinement, endure various forms of mutilation and suffer from unhealthy conditions resulting in the overuse of antibiotics; and

Whereas, the overuse of antibiotics in animal factories is contributing to the significant public health concern of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Be it resolved by the Council of the City of XXX:
That this Council declares that the city of XXX recognizes the benefits of a diet high in plant-based sources and encourages residents to participate in Meatless Monday to improve their health and the health of the planet.
