You’re invited to East Side Pub Night at the BottleHouse. Please join us for an evening of environmental discourse with a side of drinks and snacks. Free and open to the public, refreshments served.
When: Wed., July 23, 2014 @ 7 p.m.
Where: The BottleHouse, 2050 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights
We will be talking about our legislators and governor’s actions and what we can do to build a renewable energy future in Ohio. Anyone living in the districts represented by legislators who voted Yes on SB 310 is encouraged to attend. There is also information on the NEO and Ohio Sierra Club web sites about SB310.
In Northeast Ohio the following legislators voted Yes on SB 310:
Shirley A Smith(S 21), Sandra Williams (HR 11), Tom Patton(S 24), Mike DoVilla(HR 7), Nan A. Baker(HR 18), and Marlene Anielski(HR 6).