When: Wednesday, September 17-Thursday, September 18, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: Public Auditorium, 500 Lakeside Ave E , Cleveland, OH 44114
Cost: Free for volunteers! $40 for non-volunteers
The Summit will focus on the current Year of Zero Waste and preparing for 2015, the Year of Clean Water. We will also continue to design around the City’s Climate Action Plan that was co-created by more than 50 businesses and organizations. We will design solutions for the following priority areas:
- Leveraging sustainability assets, progress and strengths to advance business
- Advancing the people-centered development potentials of the Vital Neighborhoods Movement
- Leveraging renewable energy for jobs and economic transition
- Benefiting from the quality of life of walkable cities with sustainable transportation
- Leveraging the economic and environmental dimensions of clean water
- Preparing for resilience and readiness in the face of climate change
- Advancing the opportunities to turn waste into wealth
Learn more about the work of Sustainable Cleveland 2019 here: www.SustainableCleveland.org. Want to sign up to volunteer? Need more information? Contact Cathi Lehn at clehn@city.cleveland.oh.us. This is a non-NEOSC event.