Jan/Feb 2015 Newsletter

Coal-Burning Power Plant Bailouts for FirstEnergy Ohio
A Summary of PUCO Case No. 14-1297-EL-SSO

Get involved!The Ohio General Assembly recently passed a new law that guts our renewable energy and energy efficiency standards, forcing Ohioans to rely more on dirty fossil fuels and pay more for electricity. Along with business and consumer groups and thousands of individuals, Sierra Club is urging PUCO to deny FirstEnergy’s request to increase customers’ bills to pay for coal plants that can’t compete in a free market. Read more…

FirstEnergy Bailout Public Hearings and Educational Meeting

FirstEnergy, the electric utility that pushed the hardest for and financed the gutting of Ohio’s clean energy and efficiency standards, is now looking to prop up coal and suppress clean energy in Ohio. It’s time for us to stand up and stop them. Read more…

Save the EarthBook Review:  This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate by Naomi Klein

In the New York Times Book Review of November 6, 2014, reviewer Rob Nixon calls This Changes Everything one of the most important books on the environment to appear since Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962. He may be correct. Read more…

A Note of Thanks

We’d like to thank Anne Caruso for putting together a fabulous Northeast Ohio Sierra Club party this past November! Many thanks to the NEOSC members who stepped up to help organize, set up, cook, and clean up for the Holiday Party and those who donated to gift basket items. Read more…

Funeral for Stanley Adelstein Jan. 9 at the City Club

Stanley Adelstein, a former president and the oldest member of The City Club, died December 20. He was 95. Adelstein was a life member of the Sierra Club and did incredible work. His memorial service will be Jan. 9 at 4 p.m. at The City Club of Cleveland. Read more…

Annual Letter ~ 2014

2014 has been a challenging year of fighting for a cleaner, healthier Northeast Ohio. Our activists rode buses Pittsburgh to give EPA testimony about greenhouse gas emission regulation and to New York to encourage the United Nations to act on Climate Change. Read more…


➤ Protect Geauga Parks Conservation Conversation: The Valuation of Conservation

Sunday January 25th, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Orchard Hills Center
11414 Caves Rd. Chesterland, OH 44026

Tim Barber, PhD, of Environ International will discuss the dollars and sense of ecosystem services. Dr. Barber will explain the direct and indirect value of our Parks and preserved lands. You’ll learn why preserving land saves money and protects our future!

Check for updates at protectgeaugaparks.us.

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Executive Committee meetings begin immediately after the 7 PM Conservation meeting. Meetings will be held at Lakewood Library Main Branch on 15425 Detroit Rd. January meeting: 1/7 1/14 and February meeting: 2/4.

Due to snow and many unable to attend, Jan. 7’s meeting has been rescheduled to NEXT WEDNESDAY (Jan. 14) in the Lakewood Library at 7pm.

Coal & Energy Committee meets at 4105 Stilmore Rd, South Euclid, Ohio 44121. Please contact Randy Cunningham at (216) 631-3337 for the time and date of the next meeting.

Green Transportation Committee meets the first Mon. of each month at 1 PM in the Linking Employment Abilities and Potential offices at 2545 Lorain Ave. Please contact Akshai Singh for more information: akshai.singh@sierraclub.org.  State Transportation calls are on the fourth Tues. of each month at 6 PM. Contact Akshai to get on a call, or to connect with Ohio cycling advocacy.

Rainforest Committee typically meets every month on the third Sunday of the month. Call Michael Melampy at 440-826-2263 for time and place.
