Cleveland Council on World Affairs Presents: A Foreign Policy Forum

The Paris Climate Agreement, signed in December 2015, is the strongest and most ambitious global pact on climate and carbon emission standards ever reached. Susan Biniaz, a lead U.S. negotiator on the agreement, will join CCWA to discuss the deal and what lies ahead for the U.S. commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement. Biniaz has been in the legal adviser’s office at the State Department since 1984 and she has been the principal lawyer on the climate change negotiations since 1989. 

Date: April 11


5:30 PM Reception

6:00 PM Program begins

6:45 PM Q&A

7:15 PM Program concludes

Admission:  $25; Members $15; Full-time students $5

Location: The Union Club of Cleveland, Wedgewood Room (1211 Euclid Ave. Cleveland)
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