5th Annual State of Nonviolence & Holiday Bazaar

Sudanese artist Malaz Elgemiabby drum marching as a solo performance/protest to announce peace talks happening in South Sudan.

Art as Change: How art moved the people of Sudan toward nonviolent resistance to depose a repressive regime

Shop for alternative, fair-trade gifts at this Holiday Bazaar with a wide variety of vendors who support justice and social change. Other social justice groups will offer literature and conversation about their efforts in and around Cleveland.

Featuring artist speaker Malaz Elgemiabby from Sudan. She will describe the role art played in the successful 9-month campaign to remove the dictator—Omar al-Bashir—from office, and to negotiate with their military on the transition to democratic rule.

December 7, 2019
4515 Superior Ave.
North Presbyterian Church

12:00–5:00 PM
12:00–4:00 PM Vegetarian or Vegan Lunch (nominal fee)
12:00–4:00 PM Holiday Bazaar
3:00 PM Artist Talk

View the flyer…

Presented by: Cleveland Nonviolence Network, Cleveland Peace Action, Interreligious Task Forceon Central America (IRTF), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), North PresbyterianChurch, African American Museum, Social Action Commission of St. Malachi Parish, St.Paul’s Community Church, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, Ohio Immigrant Alliance and NortheastOhio Sierra Club
