Support Kathleen Clyde for Secretary of State of Ohio

The Ohio Sierra Club endorses Kathleen Clyde to be the next Secretary of State for Ohio.

Kathleen has been a dedicated defender of voters and voting rights. She wants to take her life’s work to the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office to secure and modernize Ohio elections so every Ohioan’s vote counts.

Kathleen fought to restore the busiest days of early voting and extend early voting days and hours. She introduced legislation for automatic voting registration that will ensure Ohioans are added to the rolls when they do everyday things like get a driver’s license, seek disability services, or simply turn eighteen.

She has also been a champion for Ohio’s working families and women. Kathleen has organized opposition to the anti-worker bill, SB 5, and stood up for steelworkers and low wage AFSCME workers in her district. Kathleen has also secured changes to the law and resources to help small businesses and economic development in her district. Because Kathleen knows that Ohio’s businesses are critical to our success.

Kathleen is the lead sponsor of the Ohio’s Equal Pay Act. And in 2013, she held hearings across the state on the unprecedented attacks on women’s reproductive healthcare in Ohio’s budget bills.

The following priorities are listed on Kathleen’s web site:

To learn more about her campaign visit her web site at You can find links to volunteer and donate to help elect Kathleen Clyde.
